Category » Applied Philosophy & Psychology
This blog is one of a chain from an in-process book entitled, Individual Excellence: The 4Ps of a Well-Spirited Life. What follows is the next passage from Grouped People, the first of four sections. PART I-B: Grouped People Loneliness Kills Themes frequently circle back to Aristotle. This one’s no different. At the beginning of […]
PART I-B: Grouped People Groups Coerce Sometime, decades ago, I read an account of how some native American tribes brought their young men to manhood. (The accuracy of this account is not as important as the theme.) The goal was to go into nature alone and to emerge knowing who you were. My understanding was […]
This blog is one of a chain from an in-process book entitled, Individual Excellence: The 4Ps of a Well-Spirited Life. What follows is the next passage from Grouped People, the first of four sections. PART I-B: Grouped People Groups Coerce If the role above is honoured and met, to a large degree, parents have […]
This blog is one of a chain from an in-process book entitled, Individual Excellence: The 4Ps of a Well-Spirited Life. What follows is the next passage from Grouped People, the first of four sections. PART I-B-2: Grouped People What all of these definitions and descriptions show are values. Values were cited by Heraclitus, Aristotle, […]
This blog is one of a chain from the current writing of a non-fiction book tentatively entitled, Individual Excellence: The 4Ps of a Well-Spirited Life. What follows is the beginning of the next major section of the book. PART I-B: Grouped People One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters. —English Proverb, Wordsmith, Quote of […]
This blog is one of a chain constituting the ongoing writing of a manuscript for a non-fiction book tentatively entitled, Individual Excellence: The 4Ps of a Well-Spirited Life. What follows is a continuation of last week’s entry. Just prior to moving forward in time, to 21st century research, Maslow requires amplification. That amplification is necessary […]
This blog is one of a chain constituting the ongoing writing of a manuscript for a non-fiction book tentatively entitled, Individual Excellence: The 4Ps of a Well-Spirited Life. What follows is a continuation of last week’s entry. Thinkers cited as foundational to existentialism are Socrates, Aristotle, and Kierkegaard all of whom were united by a […]
This blog is one of a chain constituting the ongoing writing of a manuscript for a non-fiction book tentatively entitled, Individual Excellence: The 4Ps of a Well-Spirited Life. What follows is a continuation of last week’s entry. Whereas Sigmund Freud was a leader in what is known as the first wave of psychotherapy, Carl Rogers […]
As readers of this blog know, I encourage questions, doubts, and correspondence as my intent is to be as clear and consistent as possible. A kind, thoughtful reader sent a detailed email seeking clarification on three issues. This blog consists of those clarifications. The issues of concern are the meanings of soul, existential phenomenology, and […]
This blog is one of a chain constituting the ongoing writing of a manuscript for a non-fiction book tentatively entitled, Individual Excellence: The 4Ps of a Well-Spirited Life. What follows is a continuation of last week’s entry. To summarize, through the examination of selected concepts from Heraclitus, Aristotle, and the Stoics (e.g., Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, […]