under / standings

Dan Chalykoff


Category » Applied Philosophy & Psychology

Individual Excellence: Part 1-vi: Soul

This blog is one of a chain constituting the ongoing writing of a manuscript for a non-fiction book tentatively entitled, Individual Excellence: The 4Ps of a Well-Spirited Life.  What follows is a continuation of last week’s entry, repeating only last week’s final paragraph, immediately below. The third line of the Serenity Prayer brings some tonic […]

Individual Excellence: Part 1-v: Soul

This blog is one of a chain constituting the ongoing writing of a manuscript for a non-fiction book tentatively entitled, Individual Excellence: the 4Ps of a Well-Spirited Life.  What follows is a continuation of last week’s entry, repeating only last week’s final paragraph and the Serenity Prayer, both immediately below. G-d, grant me the serenity […]

Individual Excellence: Part 1-iv: Soul

This blog is one of a chain constituting the ongoing writing of a manuscript for a non-fiction book tentatively entitled, Individual Excellence: the 4Ps of a Well-Spirited Life.  What follows is a continuation of last week’s entry, repeating only last week’s final paragraph, immediately below. As a sectional summary, the critical points here are natural […]

Individual Excellence: Part 1-iii: Soul

This blog is one of a chain constituting the ongoing writing of a manuscript for a non-fiction book tentatively entitled, Individual Excellence: the 4Ps of a Well-Spirited Life.  What follows is a continuation of last week’s entry, repeating only last week’s final paragraph, immediately below. The upshot of that four-paragraph explanation is that our degree […]

Individual Excellence: Part 1-ii: Soul

This blog is one of a chain constituting the ongoing writing of a manuscript for a non-fiction book tentatively entitled, Individual Excellence: People, Process, Purpose, and Product.  What follows is a continuation of last week’s entry, repeating only last week’s final paragraph, immediately below. Much of what I may know about addiction has come from […]

Individual Excellence: Part 1b: People

What follows is a continuation of last week’s entry, repeating only last week’s final paragraph, immediately below. Despite the bleakness of Larkin’s conclusion (from his poem), there is wisdom in the general idea that we are affected by the biases of our parents and grandparents, or other influential people in our lives.  This Be The […]

Individual Excellence: Outline, Beginning of Part I

OUTLINE I write for at least two reasons.  Firstly, I write to understand.  Having to put ideas on paper requires analysis and re-creation of a legible rendition of propositions or facts, as then understood.  Secondly, I write to improve lives.  With life experiences, personal and professional, comes insight into the nature of promoting healthy life […]

A New Book (Of Old Ideas Revised)

Introduction—Where We’re Going We are in the midst of a cultural* revolution.  Part of my defense of that statement has to do with my perception of good and evil (Eros* & Thanatos*) and part of it has to do with our newfound ability to communicate amongst people and nations, all over the planet, at the […]

Aristotelian Values II

IDEA This blog continues last week’s fascination with the three parts of kalokagathia (pr. kah lo KAG ath eeah).  Those parts are action, aesthetics, and autotelos.  Action, in this context, is the human capacity to intentionally act.  Aesthetics is the study of beauty.  Autotelos is compounded of two more frequently heard terms from Greek, auto, […]

Aristotelian Values I

IDEA If difficult life transitions, like ditching addictive behaviours, can be viewed as a bridge, what motivates people to cross that bridge and to stay on the crossed side?  The idea we’re exploring today is marked with the fingerprints of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle (Reid, 2022).  That alone would have had me all over it […]